Liver Congress | Pharmaceutical Science Conferences | Gastroenterology Conference | Meetings | Dubai | UEA | Asia | 2020

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Liver 2020


Theme:  "Recycle Today for a Better Tomorrow of Liver;

Conference Series Ltd is overwhelmed to announce the commencement of "International Liver Congress" to be held during December 07-08, 2020

Scientific Session: Metabolic diseases of liver, Hemochromatosis, Alagille Syndrome, Autoimmune Hepatitis, Liver inflammation and Immunology, Cirrhosis of Liver, Liver Health, Liver Metastasis, Gene expression in Liver cancer, Liver specific proteome .

Theme: "Recycle Today for a Better Tomorrow of Liver"

Supporting Journals:

Journal of  Liver Disease & Transplantation

Journal of  Gastrointestinal & Digestive System

Journal of  Clinical Gastroenterology Journal

Details :

Conference Name



Liver 2020

December 07-08, 2020




With members from around the world focused on Liver disease & Gastroenterology, this is your best opportunity to reach the largest assemblage of participants from the universities, colleges, research centres, societies, institutions, labs, associations, communities and companies etc. We want to make a worldwide meet in which data between researchers from the different controls can be effectively traded. The explanation behind bringing the general population at the meetings together is to catalyse empowering trades and connections between experts in different fields. It will make new interdisciplinary systems and permit members to trade know-how and data to accomplish speedier and better results.

The Liver & gastroenterology have not only helped the development in different fields in science and technology but also contributed towards the improvement of the quality of human life. The core aim of Liver 2020 Conference is to provide an opportunity for the delegates to meet, interact and exchange innovative ideas in the various areas. The joy of attending Liver 2020 brings with it improvement and incremental growth in your approach to do things, in the broader manner to see things in international diversity.

Target Audience:

  • Research students and Research Institutes of Liver
  • Professors, Students, Researchers from Liver and Gastroenterology
  • Managers and Business Intellect Professionals
  • Business Professionals from Liver and Gastroenterology
  • Delegates from Liver and Gastroenterology societies and Associations

Meeting opportunities:

For Researchers and Faculty members:

  • Speaker presentations
  • Poster presentation
  • Symposium hosting
  • Workshop organizing

For Universities, Associations & Societies:

  • Association partnering
  • Collaboration proposals
  • Academic partnering
  • Group participation

For students and Research scholars:

  • Poster competition
  • Young Researcher Forum
  • Student attendee
  • Group registrations

For Business Delegates:

  • Speaker presentations
  • Symposium hosting
  • Book launch event
  • Networking opportunities
  • Audience participation

For Product manufacturers:

  • Exhibitor and Vendor booths
  • Sponsorship opportunities
  • Product launch
  • Workshop organization
  • Scientific partnering
  • Marketing and Networking with clients


Session 1: Metabolic diseases of liver

A number of metabolic conditions involve the liver and can cause chronic liver disease, leading to cirrhosis and liver cancer. The three most common metabolic liver diseases are: hereditary hemochromatosis, Alpha-I antitrypsin deficiency (AATD), and Wilson Disease. Hereditary hemochromatosis, also called iron overload disease, is genetic disorder in which the body absorbs and stores too much iron. Iron overload may also occur when the body receives many blood or intravenous iron infusions. The iron deposits in the liver, pancreas and other organs, which can cause cirrhosis of the liver. Iron overload can be diagnosed with simple blood tests. Alpha-I antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) is a rare genetic condition that often causes emphysema in adults and/or liver disease at any age.

Session 2: Hemochromatosis

Innate hemochromatosis makes your body retain a lot of iron from the nourishment you eat. Abundance iron is put away in your organs, particularly your liver, heart and pancreas. An excessive amount of iron can prompt hazardous conditions, for example, liver illness, heart issues and diabetes. The qualities that cause hemochromatosis are acquired, yet just a minority of individuals who have the qualities ever create difficult issues. Signs and side effects of innate hemochromatosis generally show up in midlife. Genetic hemochromatosis is available during childbirth. Yet, a great many people don't encounter signs and side effects until some other time throughout everyday life as a rule after the age of 40 in men and after age 60 in ladies.

Session 3: Alagille Syndrome

Alagille disorder is a hereditary issue that can influence the liver, heart, and different pieces of the body. One of the significant highlights of Alagille disorder is liver harm brought about by variations from the norm in the bile pipes. These pipes convey bile (which assists with processing fats) from the liver to the gallbladder and small digestive tract. In Alagille disorder, the bile conduits might be thin, distorted, and decreased in number. Thus, bile develops in the liver and causes  scarring that keeps the liver from working appropriately to dispose of squanders from the circulatory system. Signs and manifestations emerging from liver harm in Alagille disorder may remember a yellowish tinge for the skin and the whites of the eyes (jaundice), irritated skin, and stores of cholesterol in the skin. Alagille disorder is additionally connected with a few heart issues, including weakened blood stream from the heart into the lungs.

Session 4: Liver regeneration

The liver is the main human inner organ fit for characteristic recovery of lost tissue; as meagre as 25% of a liver can recover into an entire liver. This is, be that as it may, false recovery but instead compensatory development in warm blooded creatures. The projections that are evacuated don't regrow and the development of the liver is a rebuilding of capacity, not unique structure. This stands out from genuine recovery where both unique capacity and structure are re-established. In some different species, for example, zebra fish, the liver experiences genuine recovery by re-establishing both shape and size of the organ. In the liver, huge zones of the tissues are shaped however for the arrangement of new cells there must be adequate measure of material so the course of the blood turns out to be increasingly dynamic.

Session 5: Liver transplantation

Human liver transplants were first performed by Thomas Starzl in the United States and Roy Calne in Cambridge, England in 1963 and 1967, separately. Liver transplantation is the main choice for those with irreversible liver disappointment. Most transplants are accomplished for incessant liver ailments prompting cirrhosis, for example, constant hepatitis C, liquor abuse, and immune system hepatitis. Less generally, liver transplantation is accomplished for fulminant hepatic disappointment, in which liver disappointment happens over days to weeks. Liver allografts for transplant normally originate from benefactors who have passed on from lethal cerebrum damage. Living benefactor liver transplantation is a method wherein a segment of a living individual's liver is evacuated and used to supplant the whole liver of the beneficiary. This was first acted in 1989 for paediatric liver transplantation. Just 20% of a grown-up's liver is expected to fill in as a liver allograft for a new-born child or little kid.

Session 6: Liver inflammation and Immunology

Hepatitis is a typical state of inflammation of the liver. The most normal reason for this is viral, and the most well-known of these contaminations are hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. A portion of these diseases are explicitly transmitted. Irritation can likewise be brought about by different infections in the family Herpesviridae, for example, the herpes simplex infection. Incessant (as opposed to intense) disease with hepatitis B infection or hepatitis C infection is the primary driver of liver malignant growth. Comprehensively, around 248 million people are constantly contaminated with HBV and 142 million are incessantly tainted with HCV. All inclusive there are around 114 million and 20 million instances of hepatitis A and hepatitis E individually, yet these by and large determination, and don't get constant. Hepatitis D infection is a "satellite" of hepatitis B infection, and co-contaminates almost 20 million individuals with hepatitis B, universally.

Session 7: Cirrhosis of Liver

Cirrhosis is an inconvenience of liver ailment that includes loss of liver cells and irreversible scarring of the liver. Liquor and viral hepatitis B and C are normal reasons for cirrhosis, despite the fact that there are numerous different causes. Cirrhosis can cause shortcoming, loss of craving, simple wounding, yellowing of the skin (jaundice), tingling, and weariness. Analysis of cirrhosis can be proposed by history, physical assessment and blood tests, and can be affirmed by liver biopsy. Confusions of cirrhosis include: Swelling of the stomach area (ascites) as well as in the hip, thigh, leg, lower leg, and foot, Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, Bleeding from varices, Hepatic encephalopathy, Hepatorenal disorder, Hepatopulmonary disorder, Hypersplenism.

Session 8: Gene expression in Liver cancer

Around 20,000 protein coding qualities are communicated in human cells and 60% of these qualities are communicated in a typical, grown-up liver. More than 400 qualities are all the more explicitly communicated in the liver, with exactly 150 qualities exceptionally explicit for liver tissue. An enormous  part of the comparing liver explicit proteins are mostly communicated in hepatocytes and emitted into the blood and establish plasma proteins. Other liver explicit proteins are sure liver catalysts, for example, HAO1 and RDH16, proteins engaged with bile blend, for example, BAAT and SLC27A5, and transporter proteins associated with the digestion of medications, for example, ABCB11 and SLC2A2. Instances of exceptionally liver-explicit proteins incorporate apolipoprotein An II, coagulation factors F2 and F9, supplement factor related proteins, and the fibrinogen beta chain protein.

Session 9: Liver Metastasis

A liver metastasis is a harmful tumour that has spread to the liver from a malignant growth that began in somewhere else in the body. It's additionally called optional liver malignant growth. Essential liver malignant growth begins in the liver and most regularly influences people who have hazard factors, for example, hepatitis or cirrhosis. More often than not, malignant growth in the liver is auxiliary, or metastatic. The disease cells found in a metastatic liver tumour are not liver cells. They are the cells from the piece of the body where the essential disease started. Different names for this condition include: liver metastases, metastases to the liver, arrange IV or propelled malignancy.

Session 10: Liver specific proteome

The liver is a focal organ in human body that controls metabolic homeostasis, give basic substances to the living being and permit detoxification of xenobiotics. Notwithstanding its natural capacity, liver physiology is impossible to miss in various viewpoints, including its recovery limit. In spite of the extraordinary research performed during the most recent few decades, there are as yet many open inquiries in respect of the atomic instruments fundamental liver capacity and, in particular, liver ailment. This requirement to a great extent limits the improvement of progressively effective analytic and helpful techniques for the better administration of the patients. In the postgenomic time, the Human Liver Initiative began in 2002 as a huge scale worldwide collective activity planning to characterize a far reaching and dynamic guide of the human liver proteome.


Liver malady treatment is one of the most widely recognized finding done by medicinal specialists over the world. Liver is one of the most fundamental organ in the human body and its typical working is compulsory to perform different capacities like expelling unsafe substances from blood, putting away supplements and nutrients, keeping up legitimate parity of compound levels in the body. Liver Disease Market can be divided on the premise hepatitis B, hepatitis C, liver cirrhosis, liver tumour  liquor incited liver ailment, incessant liver malady, and non-alcoholic greasy liver illness. These ailments at last lead to liver disappointment or perpetual harm of liver cells. Universally expanding mindfulness and spending on human services is relied upon to drive the market interest for liver illness treatment during the gauge time frame.

Developing propensity for liquor utilization, unfortunate eating regimens expanded the explanations behind liver harm. This has quickened the development of Liver Disease Market Industry. Non-liquor greasy liver sickness is relied upon to increment on high rate during the conjecture time frame and this will extend the market size of liver illness treatment industry.

Liver Disease Treatment Market: Geographically North America overwhelmed worldwide liver sickness treatment market and it is driven by cream of the crop medicinal services framework, propelled offices and mindfulness and higher spending by the residents towards human services use. Consequently, North America expected to contribute limit of the piece of the pie in the conjecture year. North America was trailed by Europe and Asia-Pacific as second and third biggest market for liver infection treatment showcase. Asia Pacific is anticipated to have quickest development, attributable to quickly expanding medicinal services framework, expanded spending, government activities and expanding mindfulness among populace, and developing restorative the travel industry in creating countries, for example, China, and India right now.

Target Audience:

  • Directors of companies
  • Researchers
  • Professors
  • Lecturers
  • Scientists
  • Students
  • Managers & Business Intelligence Experts
  • Research students and Research Institutes

Participation Benefits

  • Networking with the experts and influencers is always a benefit
  • Live Streaming of the conference Keynote sessions by world’s most eminent researchers
  • Worldwide recognition through the speaker profile updated on Google
  • Recognition of speaker’s work through the abstract page incorporated in Google our website
  • Get updates about latest equipment’s and techniques in your field from around the world under a single roof
  • Top Industries Representation
  • Thought provoking Symposia’s and Workshops
  • Nominations for Best Poster Award
  • Outstanding Young Researcher Award Group Registration benefits
  • Group Registration benefits

The Global Universities:

  • USA Region:
    • American Society for Mass Spectrometry
    • Brazilian Mass Spectrometry Society
    • Canadian Society for Mass Spectrometry
    • International Mass Spectrometry Foundation
    • International Association of Forensic Toxicologists
    • American Analytical Chemistry Laboratories Corporation
  • Europe Region:
    • British Mass Spectrometry Society
    • Dutch Society for Mass Spectrometry
    • Finnish Mass Spectrometry Society
    • French Society for Mass Spectrometry
    • German Society for Mass Spectrometry
    • Irish Mass Spectrometry Society
    • Italian Society of Mass Spectrometry
    • Korean Society for Mass Spectrometry
    • Norwegian Society for Mass Spectrometry
    • Polish Mass Spectrometry Society
    • Russian Society for Mass Spectrometry
    • Spanish Society for Mass Spectrometry
    • Swedish Mass Spectrometry Society
    • Swiss Group for Mass Spectrometry
    • Taiwan Society for Mass Spectrometry
    • European Proteomics Association
    • European Society for Separation Science
  • Asia Pacific Region:
    • China Mass Spectrometry Society
    • Hong Kong Society of Mass Spectrometry
    • Indian Society for Mass Spectrometry
    • Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan
    • Singapore Society for Mass Spectrometry
    • South African Association for Mass Spectrometry


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Conference series LLC Ltd guidelines for providing visa letters are as follows:

Visa letters should only be issued to:

  • People the committee knows
  • Speakers/Presenters
  • Committee members
  • Attendees who have paid their registration fee in full or as decided by the committee members
  • Student participants
  • Delegate Participants
  • Exhibitors
  • Sponsors

Visa letters should state the following facts:

  • Conference title, dates and location
  • That the requester has paid the required registration fee in full
  • Verify that the credit card clears before providing letter
  • If they are either a committee member, speaker, exhibitor, sponsor, presenter or listener (Delegate)

To simplify the request process for the attendees and organizers you need to request for visa letters for the conference once you are done with registration. Official invitation letter along with payment receipt and official acceptance letter will be mailed to you within 24-48 hours of your confirmation.

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To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date December 07-08, 2020

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Supported By

Journal of Liver Journal of Gastrointestinal & Digestive System Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology Journal Journal of Liver Disease & Transplantation

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by